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Kochan Nermin

Versatile Web, UI/UX Designer

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IdeaPod / Tribe


IdeaPod / Tribe



At the heart of Ideapod's Tribe project, I embraced a comprehensive design philosophy, immersing myself in every layer of the user experience. From the initial sketches of the web portal to its final realization, I aimed to ensure each interaction was seamless and enriched with intuitive design elements. The digital magazine interface was another feather in my cap; a blend of visual delight and content depth, meticulously curated to provide readers with a memorable journey through the digital pages. This design quest extended beyond just web elements. Passionately, I ventured into the realm of graphics, each meticulously crafted to encapsulate Ideapod's essence, giving life to topics and narratives in the most vivid manner.

Equally compelling was my involvement in designing book covers for Ideapod's Tribe. Rather than mere protective envelopes, I envisioned these covers as individual canvases, each narrating its unique tale, inviting readers to explore deeper into the content. Through every shade, curve, and pixel, my goal was to narrate a cohesive story, one that embodies the brand's ethos and values. This project stands as a testament to my holistic approach, a harmony of design and narrative, ensuring that every element, big or small, contributes to a grand, engaging digital tapestry.

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